Ben has been very lucky to have been selected to go to the World Scout Jamboree in Sweden July 2011.
He will be going with the Norfolk contingent which will be 36 Explorer Scouts & 4 Leaders - all he has to do now is raise £2,000 !
This is Ben's schedule :-
February 13th 2010:- First deposit of £250 to payed by this date
23rd – 25th April 2010:- Next training camp, Herringfleet, Suffolk.
16th July 2010:- 2nd payment of £400 due by this date
17th – 19th September 2010 :- Next Training camp Venue to be booked
22nd September County AGM, Group photo, display and raffle.
15th October 2010:- 3rd Payment £500 due by this date
Early December 2010 :- 4th payment of £500 due by this date
March 6th 2011:- Social event Venue unknown at present.
17th March 2011 :- Balance of the Jamboree fee due (leaders will advise how much you owe)
13th-15th May 2011:- Last training camp Venue to be booked
19th June 2011:- Final Meeting of unit members and parents/guardians for final details, location unknown.
We found out in January - so since then he has been saving half his wages (which isn't very much, but better than nothing !), he has also put in a couple of late Christmas presents of the cash variety and a few other bits & pieces that I can't remember. So yesterday there was about £120 in the pot.
Last night we held a quiz & chips at our local scout hut and we had an unbelievable turnout of 95 people - friends, scouting friends, guiding friends and friends of friends. We had ten rounds of questions, a table round, raffle and a heads/tails game and we manage to raise £540 - So a big THANKYOU to everybody who came along, especially to Harry& Janet who helped with the marking and selling of raffle tickets.
We are going to start having some car boot sales and maybe even a garage sale at home as we have been inundated with books & items to sell - so roll out the fine weather.
If anyone reading this has any ideas on how Ben can raise his money please let me know :)
Fluke Hvac Combo Kit
9 months ago
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